Preparing for Your Session
To make the most of your session, it's important to come prepared with your questions and intentions. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get ready:
By following these preparation steps, you'll be ready to delve into a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment during your BQH, HEART or QHHT. session.
Create Your Question Lists: Take the time to reflect on what you would like to explore and ask during your session. Prepare two separate lists: one for physical/health-related questions and another for personal/life-related questions. Think deeply about these inquiries as this is your opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance.
Health Questions: Under the health section, jot down any specific illnesses, discomforts, aches, or symptoms you have been experiencing. Include details like the location, duration, and any other relevant information. This will help us address your health concerns during the session.
Prioritize Your Questions: If you have a long list of questions, prioritize the most important ones by placing them at the top. While our goal is to answer all your questions, it's important to consider the time frame of the session, which is typically around 2 to 2 ½ hours. By focusing on the most significant inquiries first, we can ensure that we address the core aspects of your journey.
Handwritten or Typed List: Bring a printed, hand-written, or typed copy of your question lists to the session. It's best to avoid using electronic devices like phones or tablets, as they can be distracting and interrupt the flow of the session. Having a physical copy allows for a smoother and more immersive experience.
Preparing for Your Session: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul
As your session approaches, it is important to engage in self-care practices that support your overall well-being and enhance the depth of your experience. Here are some guidelines to follow in the days leading up to your session:
Hydration for Clarity: Water is essential for optimal brain function and heightened clarity. Starting three days before your session, make it a priority to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. This ensures that your body is fully hydrated, promoting a receptive state for the profound insights and healing that await you.
Vibrant Nutrition: Nourish your body with wholesome, vibrant foods that energize and uplift you. Prioritize whole grains, colourful fruits, and vegetables that are rich in nutrients. These foods not only provide sustenance but also help to elevate your vibrations, creating an optimal environment for your session. Avoid heavy, stodgy foods that may make you feel weighed down or sluggish.
Mindful Choices: In the 24 hours leading up to your session, refrain from consuming alcohol. It is also advisable to limit your intake of caffeine, as it can interfere with the depth of your relaxation during the session. If you are accustomed to consuming multiple cups of coffee in the morning, reduce it to just one cup. Strive to be caffeine-free for at least 3 to 4 hours before your session to ensure a calm and centred state of mind.
Light and Comfortable: On the day of your session, eat a light but nourishing meal before arriving. Our session may extend for six hours or longer, so it is important to fuel your body appropriately. Additionally, bring a light snack or drink for afterwards to help ground yourself and restore your energy. Dress comfortably in loose-fitting clothing to promote relaxation and ease throughout the session.
Recording Your Journey: Your session will be audio-recorded to capture the depth and richness of your experience. The recording serves as a valuable tool for your ongoing growth and transformation. Listening to your session repeatedly allows for deeper integration of the insights and healing received. Embrace this opportunity to revisit and immerse yourself in the profound wisdom unveiled during your session.
Privacy and Confidentiality: Your session is a deeply personal and sacred space, deserving of utmost confidentiality. To ensure your comfort and security, no one else is allowed to be present during your session. Feel reassured that your privacy will be respected and cherished. You may choose to share your recording, memories, or thoughts with loved ones at your own discretion after the session.
By honouring these preparations, you create an environment conducive to deep exploration, healing, and connection with your Higher Self. Embrace the opportunity to nurture your mind, body, and soul, as you embark on this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Unlocking the Path to Connection
Your intention is the key to unlocking a profound and transformative session. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and connection with your Higher Self, here are some important reminders to enhance your experience:
Set Your Intention: Your conscious intention to have a remarkable session is crucial. Trust that your Higher Self has already begun the process of aligning with mine, preparing for a meaningful and enlightening conversation. Recognize that your conscious self, often driven by the ego, may think it knows everything but truly understands very little in the grand tapestry of your soul's experiences. Embrace the humility of surrendering to the wisdom of your Higher Self. Affirm to yourself, repeatedly throughout the day, that you can and will connect effortlessly with your Higher Self. Trust that this connection is already unfolding.
Cultivate Inner Stillness: Prior to your session, engage in activities that promote a calm and clear state of mind. If you already have a meditation practice, dedicate time in the morning or on the day of your appointment to center yourself and quiet the mental chatter. If meditation is new to you, find alternative ways to enter a serene state, such as taking a peaceful walk in nature or listening to soothing music. By cultivating inner stillness, you create a receptive space for the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self to flow freely.
Nourish Your Body: To support the energetic and transformative nature of the session, it is recommended to consume a light meal before and after the session. Prioritize nourishing your body with healthy and easily digestible foods. Additionally, hydrate yourself by drinking an ample amount of water the day before, the day of, and the day after your session. This helps to cleanse and release any toxins, allowing for a clearer and more vibrant energetic state.
Trust the Process: Throughout the session, trust that you are in safe and capable hands. Know that the journey you are about to embark upon is guided by a deep sense of trust and understanding. Let go of any expectations and surrender to the experience. Trust that your Higher Self will reveal exactly what you need to know at this point in your journey. Embrace the unknown with an open heart and mind, allowing the profound insights and healing to unfold naturally.
As you prepare yourself for this sacred encounter with your Higher Self, remember that you are embarking on a remarkable voyage of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Embrace the power of intention, cultivate inner stillness, nourish your body, and trust in the process. Together, we will create a space where your soul can be heard, your questions answered, and your being aligned with your highest potential.
Exploring the Depths of Inquiry
When it comes to connecting with your Higher Self during a BQH or QHHT session, the possibilities for questioning and discovery are vast. To help stimulate your thought process and ignite your curiosity, here are some examples of the types of questions you can ask:
​Personal Growth and Life Path:
1.​ What is my life's purpose and how can I align with it?
2. What lessons or challenges am I meant to learn from in this lifetime?
3. How can I cultivate more joy, fulfilment, and abundance in my life?
4. What steps can I take to enhance my relationships and deepen my connections?
Past Lives and Soul Connections:
​5. Have I had any significant past life experiences that influence my current life?
6. Are there any unresolved patterns or karmic ties that I need to address?
7. How can I heal and release any past life traumas or emotional wounds?
8. Are there any soul connections or soul contracts that are relevant to my journey?
Health and Well-being:
​9. What is the root cause of my physical or emotional ailments?
10. What steps can I take to improve my overall health and vitality?
11. Are there any specific dietary or lifestyle changes that would benefit me?
12. How can I find balance and harmony in my mind, body, and spirit?
Intuition and Spiritual Development:
13. ​How can I strengthen my intuition and trust my inner guidance?
14. Are there any spiritual practices or modalities that would support my growth?
15. How can I deepen my connection to my spiritual gifts and abilities?
16. What steps can I take to expand my consciousness and raise my vibration?
When connecting with a loved one who has crossed over, it is a deeply meaningful experience that allows for healing, closure, and the opportunity to receive guidance and messages from the other side. Here are some suggestions for the types of questions you can ask during a session:
Messages of Love and Encouragement: Ask your loved one if they have any messages of love, support, or encouragement for you or other family members. Their words can provide comfort, reassurance, and a sense of continued connection.
Life Guidance and Wisdom: Inquire about any advice, insights, or wisdom your loved one may have to share regarding your personal journey, relationships, or life decisions. They may offer guidance that aligns with their unique perspective and the lessons they have learned on the other side.
Healing and Closure: If there are unresolved emotions or unfinished business between you and your loved one, use this opportunity to seek healing and closure. Ask for forgiveness or offer forgiveness, express any unspoken words or feelings, and allow yourself to release any lingering pain or regrets.
Family History and Ancestral Knowledge: Explore your family's history by asking about ancestral knowledge, traditions, or stories that may have been passed down through generations. Your loved one can offer valuable insights into your family's roots, culture, and heritage.
Life Purpose and Path: Seek guidance on your life purpose and path. Ask your loved one if they see any specific direction or purpose unfolding for you and how you can best align with your true calling. They may provide insights that inspire you to live a more fulfilling and authentic life.
Personal Messages and Signs: Request specific messages or signs from your loved one that can serve as ongoing reminders of their presence and love in your life. Ask them to send signs that are meaningful to you or to guide you through synchronicities or intuitive nudges.
Remember that every session is unique, and the guidance received will be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Approach the session with an open heart and mind, allowing the connection with your loved one to unfold naturally. Trust in the process, and embrace the opportunity to deepen your bond with the spiritual realm while finding comfort, healing, and guidance along your journey.
Connecting with pets that have crossed over can be a powerful and healing experience, bringing comfort, closure, and a sense of continued connection with your beloved furry companions. Here's some information on how it can help with grief to help prepare for your HEART session:
Finding Closure and Peace: When a pet passes away, it can leave a void in our hearts and a deep sense of grief. Connecting with them in a spiritual session allows you to find closure and peace, knowing that they are still present in spirit and that their love for you continues beyond physical existence. It can help alleviate feelings of guilt, loss, and unanswered questions, providing a sense of comfort and healing.
Receiving Messages and Validation: During the session, you can ask your departed pet specific questions or simply invite them to communicate with you. They may provide messages of love, reassurance, and validation that they are still with you in spirit. These messages can bring solace and a sense of connection, helping you cope with the grief and reminding you that the bond you shared transcends the physical realm.
Healing Emotional Wounds: The loss of a pet can trigger a range of emotions, including sadness, loneliness, and even guilt. Connecting with them spiritually can be a catalyst for healing these emotional wounds. It allows you to express any lingering emotions, seek forgiveness or offer forgiveness, and release any burdens you may be carrying. The session can bring a sense of closure, enabling you to process your grief and start the healing process.
Celebrating the Bond: Connecting with a departed pet also provides an opportunity to celebrate the bond you shared. You can reminisce about happy memories, express your gratitude for their companionship, and honour their presence in your life. This celebration of the bond can bring joy amidst the grief and help you focus on the love and cherished moments you shared.
Continued Guidance and Support: Just like loved ones who have passed away, pets can continue to offer guidance and support from the spiritual realm. They may provide insights, comfort, and a loving presence during challenging times. Knowing that they are still by your side can bring a sense of reassurance and strength as you navigate life without them physically.